SWG SCAR AKIS Online Meeting

SCAR SWG AKIS online meeting will be the 6 th meeting of the 5 th mandate endorsed by the SCAR plenary
in December 2018. Its specific role is to discuss the following topics as defined in the 5th mandate:

  1. AKIS policies at national and EU level creating further EIP synergies
  2. Achieving greater Impact of the Multi-Actor Approach (MAA) implementation in EU AKISs, in
    particular related to Food systems
  3. Digitalisation

This meeting will develop the following topics:

  • MS discussion on the implementation of the AKIS Strategic Approach and AKIS related interventions
  • in the CAP Strategic Plan
  • MS discussion about the status of their CAP Strategic Plans in terms of digitalisation strategy
  • Presentation of the state of play of two Horizon Europe partnerships in development: Agroecology
  • and Food systems, and discussion on the contribution of SWG SCAR AKIS
  • Presentation of relevant projects on Food systems
Date1 st – 2 nd June 2021

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