- Open Day
in Cyprus
Supporting wine producers
The Agricultural Research Institute and the Oenou Yi – Ktima Vassiliades winery are hosting an Open Day on 12/07/2022.
The Open Day is taking place at the Oenou Yi vineyard, situated in Omodos. The aim is to invite the public to visit the winery in order to showcase the interim results achieved within this sustainable innovation pilot.
This unique pilot is focused on the implementation of an innovative approach that supports wine producers with their work and especially with taking advantage of the changes in labelling regulations. The goal is to enhance the winery’s sustainability performance by implementing a mixture of technological, social and entrepreneurial innovations.
Stakeholders involved include farmers, cooperatives, policy makers, food industry companies, technological companies, advisory services, universities, research centers, SMEs and service providers that are involved in the agri-food value chain.
PLOUTOS supports and coordinates 11 Sustainable Innovation Pilots (called SIPs).
Learn more about each Pilot and the changes it brings in the agri-food value chain by visiting our website: ploutos-h2020.eu. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 101000594.
Its main objective is to help re-balance the agri-food value chain & enhance its sustainability by establishing a Sustainable Innovation Framework and create opportunities for changes.
Real Change requires going beyond technology-focused innovations.
Ploutos Sustainable Innovation Framework is unique because it takes a holistic approach encompassing behavioral, collaborative business model & data driven technological innovations.
To inspire behavioral innovation PLOUTOS builds on the understanding that real change requires going beyond technology-focused innovations. It requires a deep understanding of the values being shared within the agri-food value chain and using those values as a fuel for ideas during the ideation and design process.
The Agricultural Research Institute is leading the Pilot in Cyprus with the aim to increase the efficiency production, reduce costs and help with digital labelling.
Contact us to save your spot until 08/07/2022
Dr. Andreas Stylianou
Agricultural Research Institute
Tel.: +35722403116, +35799494055
Email: a.stylianou@ari.gov.cy
Download the agenda here AGENDA (EL)
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