In Focus: Case studies for Sustainable Innovation
The Ploutos H2020 project works with 11 Sustainable Innovation Pilots (SIPS) in 13 European countries, implementing & testing sustainability-oriented innovations (SOIs). s. Together with other initiatives, such as the Ploutos Innovation Academy, one of the tools to facilitate this exchange and horizontal learning process is the use of case studies. The tool’s purpose is to produce case studies that are accessible and pedagogical to facilitate learning across SIPs and to inform their practices.

Practice Abstract – Sustainable Innovation Pilot 11
Ploutos’ Sustainable Innovation Pilot 11 (SIP 11) aims at introducing IoT solutions to the agri-food sector and connecting agriculture with tourism activities. Read the blog post to learn about the challenges and lessons learnt from this pilot.

Practice Abstract – Sustainable Innovation Pilot 10
Ploutos’ Sustainable Innovation Pilot 10 (SIP 10) aims at calculating and tracing the Carbon Credits (CCs) saved during the vineyard management and by selling those credits to increase farmer’s revenue. Read the blog post to learn about the challenges and lessons learnt from this pilot.

Practice Abstract – Sustainable Innovation Pilot 9
Ploutos’ Sustainable Innovation Pilot 8 (SIP 8) aims at realizing carbon removal by providing incentives to farmers who
apply sustainable agricultural practices. Read the blog post to learn about the challenges and lessons learnt from this pilot.

Practice Abstract – Sustainable Innovation Pilot 8
Ploutos’ Sustainable Innovation Pilot 8 (SIP 8) aims at realizing carbon removal by providing incentives to farmers who
apply sustainable agricultural practices. Read the blog post to learn about the challenges and lessons learnt from this pilot.
In Focus: the future of food lifestyles
At Lowlands Science 2022, TNO applied the futuring technique of “closed eye visioning” to bring festival participants to a dystopian or optimistic perspective in the year 2050. Both perspectives were based on realistic energy scenarios. Read the blog post to find out insights for policy recommendations.

Practice Abstract – Sustainable Innovation Pilot 7
A collection of all the outcomes & recommendations derived from Ploutos Sustainable Innovation Pilot 6 shows that precision agriculture ensures overall soil health and enhance sustainability.
In Focus: Ploutos Innovation Academy
The Ploutos Innovation Academy (PIA) is a virtual space where mutual knowledge exchanges around sustainability-oriented innovations (SOIs) take place. PIA has the potential to establish an effective participatory methodology for the development of sustainable solutions and knowledge-sharing that can pave the way for the transformation of the agri-food supply chain.

Practice Abstract – Sustainable Innovation Pilot 6
A collection of all the outcomes & recommendations derived from Ploutos Sustainable Innovation Pilot 6 shows that precision agriculture ensures overall soil health and enhance sustainability.