In the current context of broad and lively discussions, Farm Europe is pleased to invite you to the 4th edition of the Global Food Forumon the 2nd and 3rd of December 2019 at the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels, at the heart of the EU policymaking process.

The Global Food Forum gathers each year EU policy makers, prominent figures from the European institutions, national Ministries, key representatives of agriculture and agri-food stakeholders from different Member States and as well media and  representatives from the Civil Society.

Considering, the political, economic and societal challenges of the European agenda, the 2019 edition will give you an opportunity to discuss and reflect on: EU agri-food sectors as front-runners of EU future”.

This two-days discussion will give you the opportunity to engage in fruitful exchanges on how to shape the European policies allowing them to lead the way for a transition of agricultural models towards greater environmental and economic performance, while strengthening the bond between farmers and Europeans.

More information here