A Sustainable Innovation Framework to rebalance agri-food value chains

Ploutos H2020
Ploutos aims to create opportunities for changes that can rebalance the value chain in the agri-food system towards a more environmentally, socially and economically sustainable system.
Until recently approaches to the agri-food system focused on narrow segments of the overall value chain. Ploutos will take a systems-based approach looking at the overall impact of changes at any point in the value chain, thereby enabling a more comprehensive and in depth understanding. To achieve that Ploutos will use the Sustainable Innovative Framework!




Sustainable Innovation Framework
The project aims to create more environmentally, socially and economically sustainable opportunities in the agro food sector.
This procedure, requires new ways of thinking, working and cooperating. This systemic approach refers to the project as Sustainable Innovation Framework and its main purpose is to provide a toolkit for assessment and adaptation to these changes according to its three dimensions: behaviour, collaborative business model and data driven technological innovation.
Sustainable Innovation Pilots
The 11 pilots are focused on innovation implementation and co-design, pilot, validation and assessment of the approaches against their economic, environmental and social performance along the agri food sector.
News & Events

Unveiling Game-Changing Policy Recommendations from the Ploutos Event
The key objective of this final event was to lead to a clear consensus on prioritizing policies and defining the subsequent steps necessary to shape the final Policy Set. This Policy Set will facilitate the transition of agri-food value chains towards a sustainable model.

Embracing the Future of Farming and Viticulture
Organized as part of the Ploutos_H2020 project and the Open Innovation Labs, the highly-anticipated Open Day for Sustainable Innovation Pilot 7 is scheduled for tomorrow, July 11th, 2023 and is open to anyone interested in staying up to date with the latest advancements in sustainable farming practices.
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